Acts 11:1-30

April 23, 2023 Pastor: Tim Jacobs Series: Acts: Forward in the Name of the Risen King

Passage: Acts 11:1–30


This livestream is scheduled to take place at 10:30am.

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Community Groups:

Read Acts 11 as a group.

  1. In verse 18, are you surprised by the reaction by the Jewish Christians to Peter’s testimony? What word would you substitute for the word “Gentile”?
  1. In verses 19-21, how did “the persecution that arose over Stephen” facilitate the Gospel being preached? Do you have examples of chaotic or difficult situations opening doors to the Gospel being preached?
  1. In verses 22-26, what is God doing in Antioch? Why would this be significant for the church in Jerusalem to hear about this? Do you have any “Antioch” examples, where God is working outside of your expectations?
  1. Verses 27-30 describe a famine in Judea. How does the Antioch church respond, and what do you think it meant to the Jerusalem church? What lessons can this teach us about unity today?
  1. Does it seem like we are living in chaotic and uncertain times now? What unexpected things may God be doing to move the Gospel forward?
  1. Pray for each other.


  1. In Acts 11:21, it says that when the Christians shared their faith, “a great number who believed turned to the Lord.” How did your family come to know the Lord? Who told you about the Gospel. Talk about your faith heritage.
  1. Read Romans 8:28. Can God still bring about good things even if bad things happen? Do you have any examples of that? 
  1. In Acts 11:29, it says that the Christians heard there was a famine and decided to help their fellow brothers and sisters living in Judea. Is there anyone God is asking you to help right now?
  1. Pray together as a family.

More in Acts: Forward in the Name of the Risen King

December 10, 2023

Proclaiming the Risen King

December 3, 2023

Faithfulness and Blessing

November 26, 2023

Navigating the Tempest